Travelsafe - Mini TravelDEET 40% - 15 ml.

35,00 DKK
39,00 DKK
Du sparer: 4,00 DKK

Myggesprayen beskytter mod husmyg, malariamyg og mod Aedes-myg der overfører gul feber i gennemsnitligt 8 timer, og mod flåt-bid i 4 timer.

Model/varenr.: TS0205

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This handy bottle with DEET is indispensable in your hand luggage.

Whether you go for a walk, go to the city or grab a terrace in the evening in the summer; you always want to avoid being stung or bitten.

The bottle is easy to put away in your handbag or inner pocket and can therefore be used anywhere and at any time.

The spray head atomizes the product so that you no longer have to spread it with your hands.

An insect bite is annoying and can also cause health problems.

Mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever.

You can contract Lyme disease and FSME from a tick bite.

Reasons enough to optimally protect yourself and your family against insect and tick bites!


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40% Diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET)